New Labor organizes members and works with affiliate organizations to campaign for policies that will improve working conditions and empower workers.
Current Campaigns

Temp Agency Worker Bill of Rights
The proposed Statewide Temp Agency Worker Bill of Rights aims to grant workers equal pay for equal work, transportation at no charge, payment of wages, protection against retaliation and more.

Anti-Wage Theft
Since 2013, New Labor has fought for Anti-Wage Theft legislation that has stronger penalties against employers who don’t pay their workers’ wages and stronger protection for workers against retaliation for taking action. In June 2019, such legislation passed the state senate and assembly with Governor Murphy poised to sign it!

Domestic Worker Bill of Rights
¡Ya es hora! It’s time! that NJ joined other states and cities in passing a statewide Domestic Workers Bill of Rights. Domestic workers statewide experience wage theft, poor working conditions and are excluded from basic benefits such as access to break time and paid time off.
Past Campaigns

Let’s Drive NJ
More than NJ 70 communities are organizing to push to expand access to drivers’ licenses in the Garden State to qualified drivers. Too often these people – undocumented immigrants, survivors of violence, transgender individuals, and senior citizens – face barriers to obtaining a license.

NJ for $15 Minimum Wage
On February 4, New Jersey’s $15 minimum wage bill was signed into law! From being at meetings and rallies to providing testimonies of support, New Labor members were there! Over 1 million NJ workers will see wage increases as a result of this bill.

NJ Earned Paid Sick Time
Starting October 29, 2018, the majority of NJ workers in the private sector can start accumulating earned paid sick time.

Lakewood, NJ Domestic Worker Bill of Rights
In 2013, the Lakewood Township Committee approved a resolution in support of a local “bill of rights” for domestic workers, establishing guidelines for their treatment including a minimum wage of $12 per hour, rest time during shifts, and no wage theft or third-party contracts.