On August 8, 2022 the State Assembly and Senate PASSED SB511 – the Temp Agency Bill Of Rights.
This is a HUGE victory for temp agency workers and the countless people who have spoken up against their mistreatment, stolen wages, and the very partiulcar exploitation of migrant labor that occurs in the temp agency system.
HOWEVER – Governor Murphy STILL has not signed the bill into law. This is worrying as many temp agency employers have launched aggressive campaigns to pressure the governor to veto the bill

Let’s put some heat on the governor to let him know that the whole state is watching
What you can do today:
Call the governors office 609 292 6000
Urge him to set a date by which he’ll sign the bill – you can find a script at the bottom of this page for help
Join our New Labor support team to get involved in our enforcement efforts once the bill passes: https://forms.gle/z8NUY647n1Gxr32y6
Hello my name is XYZ, I live in XYZ town in XYZ county, and I’d like to leave a message for the Governor about SB511 or the Temp Agency Bill of Rights
Right now, there are over 100,000 people waiting for the Governor to sign this Bill of Rights guraranteeing basic benefits and protections to temp agency workers. They are the essential workers who hold up our economy and who have been ignored throughout the pandemic. I would like to to know when the Governor plans to sign the bill into law?
If they say they don’t have a date – OK ! We will be calling until we receive one.
If they give a date – Thank you ! (And report back to New Labor via Instagram or Facebook)